How Much Does it Cost to Start a Blog (in 2024)?


Wondering how much it costs to start a blog?


You’re in the right place.

Starting a blog can be cheap or expensive. It all depends on your goals.

In this guide, you’ll learn everything about blogging costs.


From free options to premium setups.

We’ll cover essential expenses like domains and hosting.

Plus, optional costs that can boost your blog.

You’ll also discover ways to save money and even make your blog pay for itself.


Whether you’re a hobby blogger or aiming for a full-time income, this guide has you covered.

Ready to learn the real cost of blogging?

Let’s dive in.

How Much Does it Cost to Start a Blog?

How Much Does it Cost to Start a Blog



Starting a blog can be cheap or expensive. It all depends on what you want.

You can start for free or spend hundreds of dollars. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Free: Use platforms like or Blogger
  • Basic: $100-$200 per year for a self-hosted WordPress site
  • Premium: $500+ per year for fancy themes, plugins, and tools

Remember, more money doesn’t always mean a better blog. What matters most is good content and hard work.

Why Do You Need To Know?

You want to be a serious blogger, right? Maybe even turn it into a full-time business?


I get it. When I started blogging 13 years ago, I had the same questions. I played around with my school’s website, taught myself how it worked, and ended up making blogging my life’s work.

Here’s what I learned early on: to make money blogging, you need to spend some money first.

But here’s the important part: you need to make sure you’re bringing in more money than you’re spending.

Things like web hosting, WordPress themes, writing tools, and fancy plugins can add up fast.


By knowing your blogging costs, you can:

  • Manage your budget better
  • Make smart choices about where to spend
  • Turn your blog into a profitable business

What are the essential expenses of starting a blog?

Here’s the cool part: you can start a blog with just about $10 in your pocket.

You only need two things to get started:

  1. A domain name
  2. Web hosting

Let’s break these down:


Domain Name ($0.99 to $10+ per year)

Your domain name is like your blog’s address on the internet. It’s what people type to find you.

For example, my domain is “”.

The cost depends on:

  • Where you buy it
  • What ending do you choose (.com, .net, .org, etc.)

.com domains are usually the most expensive, around $10 per year.


Other endings like .online or .shop can be cheaper, sometimes less than $1 per year.

Web Hosting ($1.99 to $280+ per month)

Web hosting is like renting space on the internet for your blog.

The cost depends on:

  • How much space you need
  • How many visitors do you expect
  • What features do you want

For most new bloggers, shared hosting is enough. It’s the cheapest option.


Hostinger, a popular hosting company, offers shared hosting for as low as $1.99 per month if you pay for several years upfront.

If you pay month-to-month, expect to spend around $9.99 per month.

Here’s a cool deal: If you sign up for Hostinger’s Premium Web Hosting plan for 12 months or more, you get a free domain! This can save you about $10 in your first year.

Here’s a table of Hostinger’s hosting plans:

Plan Monthly Cost (48-month plan) Monthly Cost (1-month plan) Best For
Single $1.99 $9.99 New, small blogs
Premium $2.99 $11.99 Growing blogs
Business $3.99 $16.99 Busy, popular blogs

Remember, cheaper isn’t always better. Make sure your host is reliable and has good customer support.

Free platforms for starting a blog

If you’re tight on cash, you can start a blog for free. Here are some options:

These platforms give you everything you need to start writing right away. You don’t need to worry about hosting or technical stuff.

Pros of free blogging platforms:

  • No cost to start
  • Easy to use
  • No technical knowledge needed

Cons of free blogging platforms:

  • Limited control over your site
  • Can’t use your own domain name (unless you pay)
  • Limited ways to make money
  • Your blog could be shut down at any time

My advice? Free platforms are great for hobby blogs. But if you want to make money blogging, it’s better to invest in your domain and hosting.

Maintaining your blog: Recurring expenses you should know about

Once your blog is up and running, you’ll have some ongoing costs. Here’s what to expect:

1. Domain renewal ($10-$15 per year)


You need to pay for your domain name every year to keep it. If you don’t, someone else can take it.

2. Hosting renewal ($120-$200 per year)

Your hosting also needs to be renewed. With Hostinger, if you choose the 48-month plan, your renewal rate stays the same. But if you choose a shorter plan, the price might go up after your first term.

3. Email service ($36-$72 per year)


A professional email (like looks more trustworthy than a free Gmail address. Hostinger offers professional email for about $0.99 per month.

4. Security ($50-$200 per year)

You might want to pay for extra security features like:

  • SSL certificate (for https)
  • Malware scanning
  • Backup service

Good news: Hostinger includes these for free with their hosting plans!


5. Content creation tools ($0-$500+ per year)

Depending on your needs, you might want to pay for:

  • Stock photos
  • Graphic design tools (like Canva)
  • Writing assistants (like Grammarly)

You can find free alternatives for most of these, but paid versions often have more features.

Optional blogging expenses

Want to take your blog to the next level? Here are some extras you might consider:


1. Premium theme ($30-$200)

A premium theme can make your blog look more professional. You can buy one-time use themes or yearly subscriptions.

2. Premium plugins ($50-$500+ per year)

Plugins add extra features to your blog. Some popular ones include:

  • SEO tools
  • Form builders
  • Social media sharing buttons
  • Caching plugins for faster loading

3. Courses and education ($0-$1000+)

Learning how to blog better is always a good investment. You can find free resources online, or pay for courses on specific topics.

4. Virtual Assistant ($200-$1000+ per month)

As your blog grows, you might want to help with tasks like:

  • Moderating comments
  • Scheduling social media posts
  • Answering emails

A virtual assistant can do these for you, freeing up your time to write.

Remember: You don’t need all these things to start. Add them slowly as your blog grows and makes money.

Costs of Promoting a Blog

Getting people to read your blog takes work. Here are some ways to promote it, and what they might cost:

1. Social media marketing ($0-$500+ per month) [Follow: How Much Does Social Media Marketing Cost]

  • Free: Post regularly on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
  • Paid: Use ads to reach more people ($5-$500+ per month)

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ($0-$1000+ per month)

  • Free: Learn SEO basics and do it yourself
  • Paid: Use tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs ($100-$500+ per month)
  • Expert help: Hire an SEO consultant ($500-$1000+ per month)

3. Content promotion ($0-$500+ per month)

  • Free: Share your content in online communities, forums, and Q&A sites
  • Paid: Use platforms like Quuu Promote or Outbrain ($50-$500+ per month)

4. Email marketing ($0-$100+ per month)

  • Free: Use a free plan from providers like Mailchimp (up to 2,000 subscribers)
  • Paid: Upgrade as your list grows ($10-$100+ per month)

5. Influencer marketing ($100-$1000+ per campaign)


Paying influencers to promote your blog can be effective, but it’s usually expensive.

Also Learn: How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Reddit

Remember: Start with free methods. Only spend money on promotion when you’re sure it will give you a good return.

Tips to reduce your blogging costs

Blogging doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are some ways to save money:


1. Start small

  • Use a free theme to start
  • Only buy essential plugins
  • Do your marketing

2. Look for deals

  • Many hosts offer big discounts for first-time customers
  • Look for coupon codes before buying anything
  • Buy during holiday sales (Black Friday, Cyber Monday)

3. Use free alternatives

  • Canva for graphics (free plan)
  • GIMP instead of Photoshop
  • Google Analytics instead of paid analytics tools

4. Learn to do things yourself

  • Learn basic SEO instead of hiring an expert
  • Learn to use WordPress instead of hiring a developer
  • Create your images instead of buying stock photos

5. Pay for longer terms

Many services, including Hostinger, offer big discounts if you pay for longer terms upfront. For example, Hostinger’s 48-month plan is much cheaper per month than their 1-month plan.

6. Join affiliate programs

Some companies give you free access to their product if you promote it.


Remember: Your time is valuable too. Sometimes it’s worth paying for a tool if it saves you a lot of time.

Offsetting blog expenses: 5 monetization strategies you should try right away

Want your blog to pay for itself? Here are 5 ways to make money blogging:

1. Affiliate marketing

Promote other people’s products and get a commission when someone buys through your link.

  • Pros: Easy to start, no product needed
  • Cons: Commissions can be small, need lots of traffic

2. Display advertising

Put ads on your blog and get paid when people see or click them.

  • Pros: Passive income, easy to set up
  • Cons: Can look spammy, needs lots of traffic

3. Sponsored posts

Companies pay you to write about their products.

  • Pros: Can pay well, get free products
  • Cons: Must disclose sponsorship, can seem less authentic

4. Digital products

Create and sell your ebooks, courses, or printables.

  • Pros: High-profit margins, passive income
  • Cons: Takes time to create, need to market well

5. Coaching or consulting

Use your blog to attract clients for your services.

  • Pros: Can be very profitable, builds your authority
  • Cons: Trades time for money, need to be an expert

Remember: It takes time to make money blogging. Don’t expect to cover your costs right away.

Does your niche affect your blogging expenses?

Yes, some niches can be more expensive to blog in. Here’s why:

1. Equipment costs

Some niches need special equipment:

  • Food blogs: Camera, props, ingredients
  • Tech blogs: Latest gadgets to review
  • Travel blogs: Travel expenses

2. Software needs

Different niches might need specific tools:

  • Recipe blogs: Recipe plugins, meal planning software
  • Photography blogs: Photo editing software
  • Finance blogs: Stock market data tools

3. Competition level

Popular niches might need more investment in marketing to stand out.


4. Monetization potential

Some niches make money easier than others. This affects how much you can invest.

Here’s a rough guide to niche expenses:

Niche Startup Costs Monthly Expenses
Personal $50-$100 $10-$50
Tech $500-$1000 $100-$500
Food $200-$500 $50-$200
Travel $500-$2000 $200-$1000
Finance $100-$300 $50-$200

Remember: These are just estimates. You can start in any niche with a small budget if you’re creative.



  • Q: Can I start a blog for free?

A: Yes, you can use platforms like or Blogger to start a blog for free. But you’ll have limited control and features.

  • Q: What’s the minimum I need to spend to start a professional blog?

A: With Hostinger, you can start a professional blog for as little as $1.99 per month (on a 48-month plan), plus the cost of a domain (which is free if you choose a 12-month or longer plan).

  • Q: Do I need to buy a premium theme?

A: No, there are many good free themes. However, premium themes often have more features and support.

  • Q: How much should I budget for blog promotion?

A: Start with free methods. You might spend $50-$500 monthly on promotions as you grow, depending on your goals.

  • Q: When will my blog start making money?

A: It varies a lot. Some blogs make money in a few months, others take a year or more. Focus on creating value for your readers.

  • Q: Is it worth paying for blogging courses?

A: It can be, especially if you’re new to blogging. But make sure to research the course and teacher before buying.

  • Q: How often do I need to upgrade my hosting?

A: Upgrade when your site starts loading slowly or you’re getting a lot of traffic. With Hostinger, you can easily upgrade to a higher plan as your blog grows.

  • Q: Are there any hidden costs in blogging?

A: Watch out for renewal prices (they’re often higher than introductory prices) and make sure you understand what’s included in your hosting plan. With Hostinger, renewal prices stay the same if you choose their longest plan.

  • Q: Can I switch from a free platform to a self-hosted one later?

A: Yes, but it can be a bit tricky. It’s often easier to start self-hosted if you’re serious about blogging.

  • Q: How much time does it take to run a blog?

A: This is a hidden cost many forget! Expect to spend at least 5-10 hours a week on a serious blog, more if you’re posting frequently.

Remember, the most important investment in your blog is your time and effort. With dedication and smart spending, you can create a successful blog on almost any budget.

And with Hostinger’s affordable plans and free domain offer, you can get started without breaking the bank!


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Final words:

Starting a blog doesn’t have to be expensive. You can begin with just a domain and hosting from Hostinger for about $50 a year. Remember, if you choose a 12-month or longer plan, you get a free domain!

As your blog grows, you can invest more in tools, marketing, and education. But always make sure you’re getting value for your money.


  • Start small and grow slowly
  • Focus on creating great content
  • Only spend money on things that will help your blog grow

Blogging can be a fun hobby or a profitable business. How much you spend depends on your goals.

Now you know the costs, are you ready to start your blogging journey?

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