Dangers of Drowsy Driving and Preventive Measures To Take

It’s never wise to drive when you feel sleepy or tired. Author and scientist, Matthew Walker, in his book “Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams,” said that drowsy driving is dangerous.

It causes innumerable traffic accidents and fatalities annually in the United States.

Facts from the ‘2023 Drowsy Driving Survey” by the National Sleep Foundation affirm what the author shared. Motor vehicle crashes linked to drowsy driving contribute to 20% of all accidents.

Also, the AAA Foundation found that 21% of fatal car crashes occur because of sleepiness, and 13% of these result in hospitalizations.

The outcome is over 300,000 police-reported crashes, 100,000 and more injuries, and nearly 6,400 deaths annually in the U.S.

Dangers of Drowsy Driving and Preventive Measures To Take

Dangers of Drowsy Driving and Preventive Measures To Take

Therefore, it is necessary to understand the dangers of drowsy driving, recognize the warning signs, and implement preventive measures to avoid it. This is what this article is all about.

Understanding Drowsy Driving, Its Causes and Effects

Simply put, drowsy driving is when a driver operating a vehicle feels sleepy, tired, or fatigued.

Sleep deprivation and disorders like sleep apnea can affect their normal sleep cycle, which leads to fatigue.

Dietary supplements and OTC medications taken at night can cause lingering grogginess the following morning, increasing the chances of a crash.

Bankrate shares some effects of drowsy driving that result in dangerous accidents are:

  • Inability to Focus: Driving when you are fatigued will affect your focus. You won’t be able to pay complete attention to the road and traffic conditions, obstacles around you, and other drivers, which can cause an accident.
  • Delayed reaction time: Just like driving when you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, fatigued driving results in slowed reaction times. If you aren’t alert, you won’t be able to react promptly and avert a crash.
  • Not being able to judge speeds and distances: Due to reduced reaction times and incorrect judgment, tired drivers often misjudge speed and distance. For instance, when you are sleepy, you might unconsciously drive too slowly or too fast, which can result in an accident.

The effects of fatigued driving are more harmful than people realize. If you haven’t slept for over 18 hours, your body will experience the same effect if you had a BAC (blood alcohol content) of 0.05%.

Considering the legal BAC limit, which is 0.08%, drowsy driving is as fatal as drunk driving.

Drowsiness adversely affects a driver’s cognitive functions, which are essential to driving safely. According to a recent article in Sleep Doctor, fatigue and drowsiness affect a person’s coordination, memory, and reaction times.

Hence, fatigued drivers lose focus and may not swerve or brake in time to avert a crash.

Also, tired drivers might fall asleep unintentionally. This is called micro-sleep and may last for one to 30 seconds, and sometimes more.

It hinders them from responding correctly to the traffic conditions and their immediate surroundings. Other than damaging your car, accidents can cause spinal cord injuries, whiplash, broken bones, ligament tears, and other fatal health conditions.

Warning Signs Drivers Should Not Ignore 

Therefore, drivers must recognize when they are tired or feeling sleepy and take a break. Some of the warning signs listed by the Sleep Foundation are:

  • Dozing off and yawning frequently
  • Droopy, tired eyes, and constant blinking
  • Missing the exit or a road sign
  • Hitting ‘rumble strips’ on the road and drifting into another lane
  • Not being able to remember the past few miles
  • Following other cars very closely
  • Not being able to maintain the correct speed

It is necessary to pay attention to these signs so that you don’t collide with another vehicle. Ideally, it’s best to stop your car in a parking space, rest until you aren’t feeling sleepy, and then drive.

The Preventive Measures to Implement

In November 2023, US News referred to the ‘2023 Drowsy Driving Survey” and said that more teens are giving into drowsy driving. Both adults and teens consider tired driving ‘highly risky’.

Joseph Dzierzewski, VP of the National Sleep Foundation, said teens fail to realize that fatigued driving is as dangerous as other types of impaired driving.

However, he asserted that there are ways to prevent drowsy driving. It can teach both young and adult drivers to be careful while driving and the importance of sleep. 

A few preventive tactics that can help reduce this issue are:

  • Sleeping Well

One of the best ways to avoid fatigue while driving is to ensure you get good sleep. When you work towards building up a good sleep routine and sleep for 8 hours, you wake up with good focus and more energy. Also, ensure you reduce caffeine intake and block the blue light that can correct your circadian rhythms. It keeps your sleep cycle on track helps you remain alert while driving and prevents an accident.

  • Not Taking Medicines That Make You Sleepy

If you need to take any medicine before driving, ensure that it doesn’t make you feel sleepy. If it’s a medicine prescribed by your doctor, you shouldn’t skip it. However, it’s always best to find another person to drive in such a situation.

  • Checking With a Doctor for Sleep Disorders

Do you suffer from sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy, or restless leg syndrome? If so, you must consult a doctor and get yourself checked.

Each of these sleeping disorders can disrupt your internal rhythms and stop you from staying awake when needed. Proper medical treatment can address these issues and save lives.

  • Taking Breaks While Driving for Long Hours

When you are driving for a long distance, ensure that you take ample breaks to rest, stretch, and reset. This will help you maintain good focus while driving and limit the risk of falling asleep. If you want, take some time to get a quick nap before you resume driving.

Drowsy Driving Needs More Public Awareness

In November 2023, Finchannel.com reported that drowsy driving is still an underrated concern compared to distracted or drunk driving.

Arguably, fatigued driving is more difficult to prevent. There is no guarantee that you will always get a good night’s sleep before driving. Sometimes, a family emergency or work pressure might demand you stay awake the whole night and drive the next day.

To date, only two states-New Jersey and Arkansas-have laws that criminalize drowsy driving if it leads to an accident and the death of a person.

Arkansas is known for some of its dangerous roads, like Highway 12. Accidents are common here, which might even include drowsy driving crashes.

You could be driving on the streets of Rogers, a city in Arkansas, and get hit by a fatigued driver.

In such a situation, you should consult a Rogers car accident attorney to help you with the legal procedures.

This will enable you to report the issue and raise awareness about it. Also, your lawyer will help you obtain compensation to cover the damages you’ve endured.

Navigating the Legal Path

Often people shy away from legal recourse, after being hit by a drowsy driver because they feel it will be a lengthy procedure. That is not always true. It entirely depends on your situation and the lawyer you are working with.

Keith Law Group states that it’s necessary to consult an expert lawyer and allow them to evaluate your case. They will study your complaint and determine if you are eligible for a lawsuit.

They will ask for crucial pieces of evidence and use it to build a solid case and present your suffering in court. They will ensure that the verdict is in your favor and you receive your settlement payout on time. 

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To sum up, drowsy driving is as fatal as drunk driving and needs more awareness.

Nearly, 6 in 10 adult drivers confessed to driving a car, being tired, and finding it tough to stay awake.

Therefore, you must note the warning signs and do all it takes to not drive when you are tired.

However, if you are hit by a drowsy driver and get severely bruised, you can seek legal aid.

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