How Much Does a Yoga Studio Owner Make in 2024?


Ever wonder if you could turn your love for yoga into a thriving business? You’re not alone! Many yoga enthusiasts dream of opening their studio. But before you take the plunge, you’re probably wondering: how much does a yoga studio owner make?


Let’s dive into the world of yoga studio finances and explore what it takes to make your yoga business dreams a reality in 2024. We’ll look at average earnings, factors that affect your income, and tips to boost your profits.

Running a yoga studio isn’t just about teaching great classes. It’s about smart business decisions, building a community, and using the right tools to keep everything running smoothly.

How Much Does a Yoga Studio Owner Make in 2024?

How Much Does a Yoga Studio Owner Make



By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear picture of the financial potential waiting for dedicated yoga studio owners.

Ready to start your journey? Let’s begin with the big question on everyone’s mind:

How much do yoga studio owners make a year?

The short answer? It varies a lot. But don’t worry, we’ve got some numbers to give you an idea:

  • On average, yoga studio owners in the United States make about $78,000 per year.
  • Some owners earn as little as $30,000 annually, especially when just starting.
  • Successful studio owners can make over $100,000 a year.

Why such a big range? Well, a lot of things can affect how much money a yoga studio makes. Let’s break it down:

  • Location: A studio in a busy city might make more than one in a small town.
  • Class types: Offering popular classes can bring in more students.
  • Online classes: Adding virtual options can help you reach more people.
  • Expenses: Keeping your costs low means more profit for you.

It’s also interesting to compare a yoga studio owner’s salary to a yoga teacher’s:

  • Yoga teachers typically earn around $40,000 per year.
  • Yoga studio owners generally make about $49,000 per year to start.

But remember, as an owner, you have the potential to earn much more as your business grows!

How to calculate how much a yoga studio makes?

Curious about how to figure out your potential earnings? Here’s a simple way to estimate your yoga studio’s income:

  1. Count your students: How many people come to each class?
  2. Multiply by class fee: What’s your average price per class?
  3. Calculate daily income: How many classes do you offer each day?
  4. Figure out monthly income: Multiply your daily income by the number of days you’re open.

Let’s look at an example:

  • 35 students in a class
  • $15 class fee
  • 3 classes per day
  • Open 30 days a month

Here’s the math:

  • Per class: 35 students x $15 = $525
  • Per day: $525 x 3 classes = $1,575
  • Per month: $1,575 x 30 days = $47,250

Remember, this is just an estimate. Your actual income will depend on many factors. But it gives you a good starting point to think about your potential earnings.

4 Factors Influencing Salary of Yoga Studio Owner

Now that we’ve looked at some numbers, let’s explore what affects how much money a yoga studio owner can make:

  1. Yoga studio space and location
    • Big city studios often make more money, but they also cost more to run.
    • Smaller towns might have lower costs, but fewer potential students.
    • Bigger studios can fit more people, which means more money per class.
  2. Yoga membership pricing structure
    • Offering different options like drop-in rates, monthly memberships, and class packages can help attract more students.
    • Finding the right price is key – too high and people won’t come, too low and you won’t make enough.
  3. Number of students
    • More students = more money. Simple, right?
    • Offering a variety of classes (like hot yoga, gentle yoga, or power yoga) can bring in different types of students.
    • Online classes can help you reach even more people.
  4. Experience and reputation
    • As your studio becomes known for great classes, you can attract more students.
    • Experienced, certified teachers can help build your studio’s reputation.
    • Keeping the same teachers helps create a loyal student base.

5 Revenue Streams for Yoga Studio Owner’s Salary

Smart yoga studio owners don’t rely on just one way to make money. Here are five ways you can boost your income:

  1. Yoga class fees
    • This is the main way most studios make money.
    • Offer different types of classes at various times to attract more students.
    • Consider membership plans for a steady income.
  2. Private classes
    • One-on-one or small group classes can be priced higher.
    • Great for students who want extra attention or have specific needs.
  3. Yoga merchandise
    • Sell yoga mats, clothes, and other items your students might need.
    • It’s convenient for students and extra income for you.
  4. Workshops and events
    • Host special classes or bring in guest teachers.
    • These can attract new students and excite your regulars.
  5. Teacher training programs
    • If you’re certified, you can train new yoga teachers.
    • This can be a big moneymaker for established studios.

Bonus tip: Think about ways to make passive income, like creating online courses or writing an e-book about yoga.

Real Life Yoga Studio Expenses

Of course, running a yoga studio isn’t all about making money. You’ll have expenses too. Here are the main costs you’ll need to think about:

  1. Rent and utilities
    • This is often the biggest expense.
    • Costs vary a lot depending on where your studio is located.
  2. Teacher salaries
    • You’ll need to pay your yoga instructors.
    • Experienced teachers might cost more but can attract more students.
  3. Equipment and maintenance
    • Yoga mats, blocks, and other props need to be bought and replaced.
    • Don’t forget about cleaning and repairs to keep your studio nice.
  4. Marketing
    • You’ll need to spend some money to attract new students.
    • This could include social media ads, flyers, or community events.
  5. Software
    • A good yoga studio management system can save you time and help you run your business smoothly.

Remember, managing these expenses well is key to making a profit. It’s not just about how much money comes in, but how much you keep after paying the bills.

Salary vs. Profit That Yoga Studios Make

When we talk about how much a yoga studio owner makes, it’s important to understand the difference between salary and profit:

  • Salary is the money you pay yourself as the owner.
  • Profit is what’s left after you pay all your expenses.

As a yoga studio owner, your goal is to increase both your salary and your studio’s profit. Here’s how they’re connected:

  • If your studio is making a good profit, you can pay yourself a higher salary.
  • But if you take too much salary, you might not have enough money left to grow your business.

Finding the right balance is key to long-term success.

How to Increase the Yoga Studio Owner’s Salary?

Want to boost your earnings as a yoga studio owner? Here are some tips:

  1. Offer more classes
    • Add popular class times or new types of yoga.
    • Consider early morning or late evening classes for busy professionals.
  2. Start teacher training
    • If you’re experienced enough, training new teachers can be very profitable.
  3. Add online classes
    • Reach more students without needing more physical space.
  4. Sell merchandise
    • Start with basics like mats and water bottles, then expand as you see what sells.
  5. Host workshops and events
    • Bring in guest teachers or offer special-themed classes.
  6. Use studio management software
    • Tools like WodGuru can help you manage schedules, payments, and marketing more efficiently.
  7. Build community
    • Happy students who feel connected to your studio are more likely to keep coming back and bring friends.

Remember, increasing your salary often means growing your business as a whole. Focus on providing great experiences for your students, and the money will follow.


Key takeaways:

Let’s sum up what we’ve learned about yoga studio owner earnings:

  • Average earnings for yoga studio owners in the U.S. are around $78,000 per year.
  • Income can vary widely, from $30,000 to over $100,000 annually.
  • Location, class offerings, and reputation all play a big role in how much you can earn.
  • Multiple income streams (like merchandise and workshops) can boost your earnings.
  • Managing expenses is crucial for turning revenue into profit.
  • Using tools like studio management software can help you run your business more efficiently.
  • Building a strong community is key to long-term success and higher earnings.


  • Q: How much does it cost to open a yoga studio?

A: Opening a yoga studio typically costs between $15,000 and $100,000, depending on factors like location, size, and equipment needed.

  • Q: Do yoga studios make good money?

A: Yoga studios can be profitable, but success depends on factors like location, management, and community engagement. Well-run studios in good locations can make a solid profit.

  • Q: How important is the experience of yoga instructors in running a studio?

A: Very important! Experienced instructors can attract and retain students, leading to higher income for the studio. They also help build the studio’s reputation.

  • Q: What’s the average salary for a yoga studio manager?

A: Yoga studio managers typically earn between $40,000 and $50,000 per year, though this can vary based on the studio’s size and location.

  1. Q: Can I make passive income from owning a yoga studio?

A: Yes, you can create passive income streams through things like online courses, e-books, or renting out your studio space when it’s not in use.

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Owning a yoga studio can be a rewarding way to turn your passion into a business. While the average earnings of $78,000 per year sound nice, remember that your actual income can vary a lot based on many factors.


Success as a yoga studio owner comes from a mix of business smarts, community building, and of course, great yoga instruction.

By offering a variety of services, managing your expenses well, and using tools to run your business efficiently, you can increase your chances of financial success.

Remember, it’s not just about the money. The real reward often comes from creating a space where people can improve their health and find peace. If you can do that while making a good living, you’ve found a true win-win situation.

So, is owning a yoga studio right for you? Only you can answer that. But now you have a clearer picture of what it might mean for your wallet. Namaste and good luck on your yoga business journey!


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