How Much Does It Cost to Build a WordPress Website in 2024?


Thinking about creating a website in 2024? You’re not alone! Many people are turning to WordPress, one of the most popular website builders out there. But when it comes to cost, things can get a bit confusing.


There’s no simple answer because every website is unique. Your costs will depend on what you need your site to do, how it should look, and who’s building it.

In this article, we’ll break down all the different expenses you might encounter when setting up a WordPress website.

We’ll explain everything in simple terms, so even if you’re not tech-savvy, you’ll understand what you’re paying for.


We also shared how much does it cost to redesign a website, so you can also update your knowledge about it here.

How Much Does It Cost to Build a WordPress Website?

How Much Does It Cost to Build a WordPress Website


Ready to learn about WordPress website costs? Let’s get started!

Quick Answer: How Much Does It Cost to Build a WordPress Website?

A WordPress website can cost anywhere from $100 to over $100,000, depending on your specific needs and requirements.


Why WordPress?

WordPress is super popular. It powers over 43% of all websites on the internet. That’s a lot! But why do so many people choose WordPress? Well, it’s flexible, easy to use, and can fit almost any budget.

Whether you’re a small business owner, a blogger, or running a big online store, WordPress can work for you.

But here’s the tricky part: the cost of a WordPress website can vary a lot. It could be as little as $100 or as much as $100,000 or more.

That’s a big range, right? Don’t worry, we’ll help you figure out where your website might fit in that range.


Everything You Need to Know About WordPress Costs

Let’s dive into the details of WordPress pricing. We’ll cover:

  1. The basic costs of a WordPress website
  2. How much different types of businesses might spend
  3. The difference between and
  4. What things affect the price of your WordPress site
  5. Other options if WordPress isn’t right for you
  6. Common questions about WordPress costs

By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear idea of how much you might need to spend on your WordPress website. Let’s get started!

How Much Does a WordPress Website Cost?

The short answer is: it depends. But let’s break it down into some averages to give you an idea:

  • Starting costs: $100 to $100,000 or more
  • Ongoing costs: $50 to $10,000 or more per year

That’s still a big range, isn’t it? Let’s look at it in more detail:


WordPress Website Cost Breakdown

Expense Cost How Often You Pay
Domain Name $0.99 to $40 Every year
Web Hosting $3 to $800 Every month
WordPress Theme $0 to $200 Once or every year
WordPress Plugins $0 to $1000 Monthly, yearly, or one-time
Website Security $50 to $1000 Monthly or yearly
Website Maintenance $25 to $10,000 Hourly or monthly

Remember, these are just averages. Your costs might be higher or lower depending on your needs.

WordPress Website Pricing by Business Type

Different types of businesses have different needs. Here’s a rough guide to what you might expect to pay:

Small Business Website

  • Starting cost: $75 to $2,500
  • Ongoing cost: $300 to $700 per year

Online Store (E-commerce)

  • Starting cost: $5,000 to $55,000
  • Ongoing cost: $1,000 to $3,000 per year

Medium-Sized Business

  • Starting cost: $7,500 to $35,000
  • Ongoing cost: $2,000 to $5,000 per year

Big Business (Enterprise)

  • Starting cost: $10,000 to $115,000
  • Ongoing cost: $5,000 to $15,000 per year

These prices can change based on things like:

  • How many pages your website has
  • How many plugins do you use
  • How much traffic your site gets
  • What your site needs to do (like sell products)
  • How it looks
  • How often do you update it
  • Whether you do the work yourself or hire someone vs. What’s the Difference?

When we talk about WordPress, we’re usually talking about But there’s also Let’s see how they compare:


  • You own and control everything
  • You can use any plugins you want
  • You can use any theme you want
  • It can grow with your business
  • You need to find your hosting

  • Some things are controlled by
  • Limited plugin options (depends on your plan)
  • Limited theme options (depends on your plan)
  • May not grow well with your business
  • Hosting is included

Which is better?

If you want full control and don’t mind doing a bit more work, is usually better. It’s more flexible and can grow with your business. is easier to start with, but it can be limiting as your business grows. It’s more like other website builders like Shopify or Wix.

What Determines WordPress Website Pricing?

Let’s look at the main things that affect how much your WordPress website will cost:

  • 1. Domain Name ($0.99 – $40 per year)

This is your website’s address on the internet. The cost depends on where you buy it and what name you choose. Some names cost more than others.

  • 2. Web Hosting ($3 – $800 per month)

This is where your website “lives” on the internet. Cheap hosting is fine for small sites, but bigger sites need more powerful (and more expensive) hosting.

  • 3. WordPress Theme ($0 – $200)

Themes control how your site looks. There are free themes, but paid themes often look better and have more features.

  • 4. WordPress Plugins ($0 – $1000)

Plugins add extra features to your site. Many are free, but some of the best ones cost money.

  • 5. Security ($50 – $1000 per year)

Keeping your site safe from hackers is important. You might need to pay for security plugins or services.

  • 6. Maintenance ($25 – $10,000 per month)

Your site will need updates and fixes over time. You can do this yourself or pay someone to do it for you.

What Are Some Alternatives to a WordPress Website?

WordPress is great, but it’s not the only option. Here are some other choices:

  • Wix: Easy to use, good for small businesses
  • Shopify: Great for online stores
  • Squarespace: Good for beautiful, simple sites
  • Another easy-to-use option

Here’s how they compare:

Feature WordPress Wix Shopify Squarespace
Monthly cost $7-$1200 $16-$159 $39-$400 $16-$49 $15-$45
Custom domain Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Online store Yes (with plugins) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storage space Depends on host 2 GB to unlimited Unlimited Unlimited 10-40 GB
Security Yes (with plugins) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Marketing tools Yes (with plugins) Yes No Yes Yes (some plans)
Customer service No Yes Yes Yes Yes

These options might be easier to use than WordPress, but they’re usually less flexible.


Another option is to hire a company to build your WordPress site for you. This costs more, but you get expert help and save time.


Let’s answer some common questions about WordPress pricing:

  • Q: Does WordPress cost money?

A: The basic WordPress software is free, but you’ll need to pay for things like hosting and a domain name. Most businesses end up paying for some premium themes or plugins too.

  • Q: What WordPress costs do I need to budget for?

A: The main costs are:

  • Domain name
  • Web hosting
  • Theme
  • Plugins
  • Security
  • Maintenance
  • Q: How much does WordPress cost per year?

A: It can range from about $200 for a very simple site to $15,000 or more for a big, complex site.

  • Q: How much does WordPress cost per month?

A: Monthly costs can range from about $20 to over $1,000, depending on your needs.

  • Q: How much does it cost to build a WordPress website?

A: Building costs can range from $100 (if you do it yourself) to $100,000 or more (for a large, custom-built site).

  • Q: How much does WordPress website design cost?

A: Design costs can range from $0 (using a free theme) to $10,000 or more for a custom design.

  • Q: How much does WordPress website maintenance cost?

A: Maintenance can cost from $50 to $10,000 or more per year, depending on how much help you need.

  • Q: Is the cost of WordPress worth the money?

A: For most businesses, yes. WordPress offers a lot of flexibility and control for a reasonable price.

  • Q: How much does it cost to host a WordPress website?

A: Hosting can cost from $3 to $800 per month, depending on your needs.

Conclusion: Is WordPress Right for You?


WordPress can be a great choice for many businesses. It’s flexible, powerful, and can fit many different budgets.

The key is to understand what you need and what you’re willing to spend.

Remember, the cheapest option isn’t always the best. Sometimes it’s worth spending a bit more to get a website that works for your business.

On the other hand, you don’t need to spend a fortune to get a good WordPress site.


Think about your needs, your budget, and your skills. If you’re comfortable with technology and have the time, you might be able to build a WordPress site yourself. If not, it might be worth hiring help.

Whatever you choose, now you have a better idea of what to expect when it comes to WordPress website costs. Good luck with your website!

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