Write for Us

Write for Us

Are you a finance expert, budgeting enthusiast, or a savvy consumer looking to share your knowledge and insights with a wide audience?

Look no further than CostTally.com! We are a dynamic and rapidly growing platform that covers everything related to the cost of items, services, products, and more.

Write for Us

Write for Us

Contact Us: info.bulletintech@gmail.com

Our mission is to provide our readers with accurate, informative, and practical content that helps them make informed financial decisions and navigate the world of expenses with ease.

Why Write for us on CostTally.com?

  1. Reach a diverse audience: Our platform attracts readers from all walks of life who are interested in understanding and managing their finances effectively.
  2. Establish yourself as an authority: By sharing your expertise on CostTally.com, you can position yourself as a thought leader in the world of personal finance and build your brand.
  3. Enjoy creative freedom: We encourage our writers to explore topics they are passionate about and to express their unique perspectives.
  4. Benefit from our promotional efforts: We actively promote our content across various social media channels and through our extensive network of partners in the finance industry.

What do We Cover on CostTally.com?

At CostTally.com, we cover a wide range of topics related to the cost of items, services, and products. Our main areas of focus include:

  • Cost of items, services, and products
  • Online item costs
  • People services costs
  • Budgeting and money management
  • Saving and investing
  • Credit scores and credit reports
  • Debt management and repayment
  • Loans (personal loans, student loans, auto loans, mortgages, etc.)
  • Insurance (health insurance, life insurance, auto insurance, homeowners insurance, etc.)
  • Retirement planning
  • Taxes and tax planning
  • Banking and financial services
  • Financial technology (fintech) and mobile banking
  • Consumer spending and purchasing decisions
  • Cost comparisons for various products and services
  • Financial news and trends
  • Money-saving tips and tricks
  • Side hustles and earning extra income
  • Entrepreneurship and small business finances
  • Financial education and literacy
  • Estate planning and wealth management
  • Financial planning for major life events (marriage, having children, buying a home, etc.)
  • Economic analysis and commentary
  • Personal finance tools and resources
  • Financial scams and fraud prevention
  • & more.

Whether you’re an expert in one of these areas or have a fresh perspective to offer, we welcome your contributions.

Sponsored Content Opportunities:

In addition to our regular content, we also offer a range of sponsored content opportunities for advertisers, brands, product owners, and more.

These opportunities encompass the wide range of personal finance topics we cover, including:

  1. Sponsored Posts: Showcase your financial product, service, or brand through a dedicated, professionally written article on CostTally.com. This can include featured content on budgeting tools, investment platforms, credit monitoring services, and more.
  2. App and Game Reviews: Gain exposure for your finance-related app or game through our in-depth, unbiased reviews. This can include budgeting apps, investing apps, personal finance management tools, and educational finance games.
  3. Software Testing: Our team of experienced software testers can put your finance software through its paces and provide a detailed report of their findings. This can include testing for online banking platforms, tax preparation software, financial planning tools, and more.
  4. Top 10 Product Reviews: Feature your finance-related product in our highly popular “Top 10” lists, which showcase the best offerings in various categories. This can include top 10 credit cards, top 10 savings accounts, top 10 investment platforms, top 10 insurance providers, and more.
  5. Banner Placement: Increase your brand’s visibility by placing your banner on our high-traffic website. This can include banners for banks, credit unions, insurance companies, investment firms, and other financial service providers.
  6. Paid Press Releases: Leverage our platform to distribute your press releases to a wide audience of potential customers and media outlets in the finance industry. This can include press releases about new product launches, company acquisitions, partnerships, and other newsworthy events related to personal finance.
  7. Sponsored Newsletters: Reach our engaged subscriber base through sponsored content in our regular newsletters, which cover the latest news, trends, and tips in personal finance.
  8. Sponsored Social Media Posts: Expand your reach and engage with our social media followers through sponsored posts on our popular social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Our sponsored content opportunities are designed to help you reach your target audience, build brand awareness, and drive conversions.

Whether you’re a fintech startup, established financial institution, or provider of financial products and services, we have a sponsored content solution that can help you achieve your marketing goals.

How to Submit Sponsored Finance Post on CostTally.com?

If you’re interested in writing for CostTally.com or exploring our sponsored content opportunities, we’d love to hear from you. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Send us an email at info.bulletintech@gmail.com with a brief introduction and your area of expertise in the world of finance and budgeting.
  2. Include samples of your writing or a link to your portfolio.
  3. If you’re interested in sponsored content, please provide details about your product, service, or brand, and the type of opportunity you’re seeking.

Our team will review your submission and get back to you within 5 business days. If your submission is a good fit for our platform, we’ll work with you to develop a content plan and timeline.

Join the CostTally.com Community:

At CostTally.com, we’re more than just a website – we’re a community of passionate individuals dedicated to helping people make smart financial decisions and live better lives.

By writing for us or partnering with us for sponsored content, you’ll become part of a vibrant and growing network of finance experts, enthusiasts, and industry leaders.

We look forward to hearing from you and working together to create content that informs, inspires, and empowers our readers to take control of their finances.

Let’s tally the costs and build a more financially savvy world together!