How Much Do Ear Piercings Cost at Claire’s?


Hey there! Thinking about getting your ears pierced at Claire’s? You’re not alone. Lots of people choose Claire’s for their first (or second, or third!) piercing.


But before you head to the mall, you probably want to know – how much is this going to cost you? Well, you’re in the right place!

I’ve been through Claire’s piercing experience myself – both for my lobes and my cartilage. So I’m here to give you the inside scoop on Claire’s ear piercing prices.

We’ll talk about how much you’ll pay for different types of piercings, what’s included in the price, and some extra costs you might not have thought about.


In this guide, we’ll cover everything from basic lobe piercings to fancier cartilage ones. We’ll also chat about tipping (yep, that’s a thing!), aftercare costs, and some important stuff you should know before you go.

Whether you’re saving up your allowance for your first piercing or you’re a piercing pro looking to add to your collection, this guide will help you know exactly what to expect when you walk into Claire’s.

So let’s dive in and talk about all things Claire’s ear piercings!

How Much Do Ear Piercings Cost at Claire’s?

How Much Do Ear Piercings Cost at Claire’s



By the end, you’ll have a complete understanding of Claire’s ear piercing costs and policies so you can make an informed decision shared by the CostTally Team.

The Basics of Claire’s Ear Piercings

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of prices, let’s talk about what you can expect when you go to Claire’s for a piercing.

What is Claire’s? Claire’s is a store you’ve probably seen in the mall. They sell all sorts of fun stuff like:

  • Jewelry
  • Hair accessories
  • Makeup
  • And lots of other cool things

But one of the big reasons people go to Claire’s is to get their ears pierced.


How do they do piercings at Claire’s? Here’s the lowdown:

  • They use a piercing gun. This is a tool that quickly puts the earring through your ear.
  • The gun comes loaded with starter studs. These are the earrings you’ll wear while your piercing heals.
  • You can get your earlobes pierced for sure. Some Claire’s also do cartilage piercings (that’s the hard part of your upper ear).

Important note: Not all Claire’s do cartilage piercings. If you want one, call your local store to check first!

Who can get pierced at Claire’s?

  • Anyone can get pierced at Claire’s, but there’s a catch.
  • If you’re under 18, you need a parent or guardian to say it’s okay.
  • They’ll need to come with you and sign a form.

Do you need an appointment?

  • Nope! You can just walk in whenever you want.
  • The actual piercing only takes about 5 minutes per ear.

Now that we know the basics, let’s talk money!

Lobe Piercing Prices

Lobe piercings are the most common type of ear piercing. They’re usually the least expensive too, which is why a lot of people start here.

Standard Prices:

  • It costs $20 per ear for a standard lobe piercing at Claire’s.
  • So if you’re getting both ears done, that’s $40 total.

What’s included in that price?

  • The piercing itself
  • The starter stud earrings

That’s a pretty good deal when you think about it. Some fancy piercing shops charge $50 or more just for one ear!

Special Deals: Claire’s often runs specials on their piercings. Here are some examples:

  • Sometimes they do $15 per ear
  • Or $30 for both ears

My Experience: When I got my lobes pierced at Claire’s (a long time ago!), it was $15 per ear. So I paid $30 total for both ears. Even with the price going up a bit since then, it’s still a good deal.

Comparison Table: Here’s how Claire’s prices stack up against some other options:

Place Price for Both Ears
Claire’s $40
Mall Kiosk $50-$60
Tattoo Shop $60-$100
Doctor’s Office $100-$150

As you can see, Claire’s is often the cheapest option out there for lobe piercings.

Tipping for Lobe Piercings

Now, let’s talk about something you might not have thought about – tipping your piercer.

Is tipping required?

  • No, you don’t have to tip at Claire’s.
  • But it’s a nice thing to do if you’re happy with your piercing.

How much should you tip? For lobe piercings, people usually tip:

  • 10% to 15% of the total cost
  • So for a $40 double lobe piercing, a tip would be $4 to $6

My Experience: When I got my lobes pierced, I tipped $5. The piercer seemed happy with that!

Tipping Tips:

  • Bring cash for your tip. It’s easier than trying to add it to your card payment.
  • If you’re not sure how much to tip, $5 is usually a safe bet for lobe piercings.

Remember, tipping is about saying “thanks” for a job well done. If your piercer was super nice or did a great job, a tip is a great way to show your appreciation!

Cost of Replacement Studs

Okay, here’s something really important to remember – don’t lose your starter studs!


Why? Because if you do, you’ll need to buy replacements. And that can add up.

Replacement Stud Costs:

  • At Claire’s, replacement studs usually cost about $5 each.
  • So if you lose both, that’s an extra $10 you’ll need to spend.

My Experience: I learned this the hard way. I lost one of my diamond studs in middle school and had to spend $5 of my allowance to replace it. Trust me, it felt like a lot of money back then!

Tips to Avoid Losing Studs:

  • Be careful when changing clothes, especially shirts that go over your head.
  • If you need to take them out (like for sports), put them in a safe place right away.
  • Consider buying a little jewelry box or case to keep them in when you’re not wearing them.

Remember, those starter studs are special. They’re made to be gentle on your newly pierced ears. So take good care of them!

Cartilage Piercing Prices 2024-2025

Now let’s talk about cartilage piercings. These are the cool ones you get on the upper part of your ear.

What exactly is cartilage?

  • It’s the firm, flexible tissue in your upper ear.
  • It’s harder than your earlobe.

Types of Cartilage Piercings: There are lots of different cartilage piercings. Here are a few:

  • Helix: The outer rim of your upper ear
  • Conch: The inner cup part of your ear
  • Tragus: The little nub in front of your ear canal

Cartilage Piercing Prices at Claire’s:

  • These cost more than lobe piercings.
  • Prices range from $30 to $50 per ear.
  • It depends on which part of the ear you’re getting pierced.

My Experience: I paid $40 for my helix piercing (that’s the outer rim) at Claire’s.

Price Comparison Table:

Piercing Type Price Range
Helix $35 – $50
Conch $30 – $45
Tragus $35 – $50

Remember, these prices can vary. It’s always a good idea to call your local Claire’s and ask for their specific prices.


Why are cartilage piercings more expensive?

  • They’re more complicated to do.
  • They take longer to heal.
  • The jewelry for cartilage piercings is often more expensive.

Tipping for Cartilage

Just like with lobe piercings, tipping for cartilage piercings is optional but appreciated. However, because cartilage piercings are more complex, the tipping etiquette is a bit different.

Standard Tipping for Cartilage Piercings:

  • 15% to 20% of the total piercing cost
  • For a $40 cartilage piercing, that would be $6 to $8

My Experience: When I got my helix piercing, I tipped $8 (which was 20% of the $40 cost). My piercer was super thankful!


Why Tip More for Cartilage?

  • These piercings are trickier to do.
  • They require more skill from the piercer.
  • The process usually takes longer than a lobe piercing.

Tipping Tips for Cartilage Piercings:

  • Bring cash. It’s easier to tip with cash than to add it to your card payment.
  • If you’re really happy with your piercing, don’t be afraid to tip more!
  • Remember, a good tip might mean better service if you come back for more piercings.

Pain Level

Let’s talk about something everyone wonders about – how much does it hurt?

Now, everyone feels pain differently. But here’s a general idea of what to expect:


Lobe Piercings:

  • Pain Level: 2 to 3 out of 10
  • It feels like a quick pinch
  • The pain is over really fast

Cartilage Piercings:

  • Pain Level: 6 to 8 out of 10
  • It hurts more than lobe piercings
  • The pain lasts a bit longer

My Experience:

  • When I got my lobes done, it was just a quick “ouch!” moment.
  • My cartilage piercing was more painful. It felt like a sharp pinch that lasted for a few seconds.

After the Piercing:

  • Lobes: Might be a bit sore for a day or two
  • Cartilage: Can be sore and swollen for a few weeks

Remember, the pain is temporary, but your cool new piercing is (hopefully) forever!

Other Potential Costs

When you’re budgeting for your Claire’s piercing, there are a few other things you might want to factor in.

Aftercare Supplies

Taking care of your new piercing is super important. Claire’s sells aftercare kits to help with this.

What’s in an aftercare kit?

  • Cleaning solution
  • Cotton swabs
  • Instructions on how to care for your piercing

Cost of Aftercare Kits:

  • Usually between $10 and $15

My Experience: I bought an aftercare kit for about $13 when I got my cartilage pierced. It lasted for the whole healing period.

Do you have to buy the Claire’s kit?

  • No, you don’t have to.
  • You can make your salt water solution at home.
  • But Claire’s kit is convenient and not too expensive.


Claire’s has a program called “Piercing Perks.” Here’s what you need to know:


What is Piercing Perks?

  • It’s a membership program for people who get piercings at Claire’s.


  • $29 for a lifetime membership

What do you get?

  • 50% off future piercings
  • Discounts on jewelry and other stuff in the store

Is it worth it?

  • If you plan to get lots of piercings at Claire’s, maybe.
  • If this is a one-time thing, probably not.

Remember, these are optional costs. You don’t have to buy the aftercare kit or join the membership program. But they’re good to know about when you’re planning your budget.

Things to Know Before Going to Claire’s

Before you head to Claire’s for your piercing, here are some important things to keep in mind:

1. Age Restrictions:

  • If you’re under 18, you need a parent or guardian with you.
  • They’ll need to sign a consent form.

2. No Appointments Needed:

  • You can just walk in when you’re ready.
  • But be prepared to wait if it’s busy.

3. Piercing Process:

  • They use a piercing gun, not a needle.
  • Some people prefer needle piercings, especially for cartilage.

4. Healing Time:

  • Lobe piercings: 6-8 weeks
  • Cartilage piercings: 4-6 months (sometimes longer)

5. Aftercare is Important:

  • You’ll need to clean your piercing regularly.
  • Follow the instructions they give you carefully.

6. Limited Jewelry Options:

  • You have to use the studs they provide at first.
  • You can change them once your piercing is healed.

7. Not All Claire’s Do Cartilage:

  • Call ahead if you want a cartilage piercing.
  • Not every store offers this service.

8. Consider Your School/Work Rules:

  • Some schools or jobs have rules about piercings.
  • Check before you get pierced to avoid problems.

9. Bringing a Friend:

  • It can be nice to have support.
  • Plus, they can remind you about aftercare!

10. Eat Before You Go:

  • Having a snack beforehand can help prevent dizziness.

The Verdict: Is Claire’s Worth It?

So, after all this info, you’re probably wondering – should I get my ears pierced at Claire’s? Let’s break it down:

Pros of Getting Pierced at Claire’s:

  • It’s affordable
  • No appointment needed
  • Quick and convenient
  • Good for basic lobe piercings

Cons of Getting Pierced at Claire’s:

  • They use a piercing gun (some people prefer needles)
  • Limited jewelry options at first
  • Not all locations do cartilage piercings

Who Should Consider Claire’s:

  • People getting their first piercing
  • Those wanting simple lobe piercings
  • Anyone on a budget

Who Might Want to Look Elsewhere:

  • People wanting complex cartilage piercings
  • Those who prefer needle piercings
  • Anyone with metal allergies (Claire’s has limited hypoallergenic options)

My Personal Opinion: For basic lobe piercings, Claire’s is a good choice. It’s where I got my first piercings, and I was happy with the result. For cartilage, it worked out okay for me, but if I were doing it again, I might go to a professional piercing shop for more options.

Remember, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable and confident with your choice. If Claire’s feels right for you, go for it!

Also Check:



Wow, we’ve covered a lot of ground! Let’s do a quick recap of the main points:

  • Lobe piercings at Claire’s cost about $20 per ear.
  • Cartilage piercings range from $30 to $50 per ear.
  • Tipping is optional but appreciated (10-15% for lobes, 15-20% for cartilage).
  • Aftercare supplies might add an extra $10-$15 to your total.
  • Claire’s offers a membership program for $29, which might be worth it if you plan on multiple piercings.

Remember, getting your ears pierced is exciting, but it’s also a big decision. It’s important to think about:

  • The cost (including aftercare)
  • The pain level you’re comfortable with
  • How much time you can commit to caring for your new piercing

Claire’s offers a convenient and affordable option for many people, especially for first-time piercings. But it’s always okay to shop around and consider other options too.

Whatever you decide, make sure you’re comfortable with your choice. And most importantly – have fun with your new look!


Happy piercing, everyone!

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